Personal Work |
Cantos Travels in Argentina. A photographic sampling of life, and death, in North and Central Argentina.188 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
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Black and white photos taken over five decades on five continents with a focus on portraits. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Color photos taken in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 2018 of the dry dock where Titanic was built. 54 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Objects of Desire
Photographs of objects from the collection of Dan Lenchner. Some artifacts are hundreds of years old, some just a few decades. All have a patina and a grace which render them works of art, though some may be everyday objects made of wood or tin. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Israel 2020
Photographs taken in Israel in February and March of 2020 during Israel’s third election in one year and the beginnings of the corona crisis. 80 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
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Ephemera is a highly personal selection of black and white photographs taken over four decades. Many of the images suggest that life at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries looks much like it did during the 18th and 19th centuries. Progress does not travel through the world at a constant speed. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
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Margin Notes
Photographs taken over 35 years. People captured, in the words of Lartigue, “en passant.” 118 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Vernacular Collection |
Strange and Sublime Recently released! Vernacular photos; portraits, crime, nudes, combat, press photographs spanning 150 years. Preview and purchase at: |
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Pictures Recently released! Much of the appeal of vernacular photographs arises from their unpredictability. Often a shroud of mystery hangs over the images: who are these people? Why were the images made? Who made them? Preview and purchase at: |
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Wabi-Sabi Photos Images which demonstrate a strong link between the basic tenets of wabi-wabi and vernacular photography: particularly their shared admiration of flawed beauty.240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Meets The Eye A collection of photographs which demonstrate that images often embody more than meets the eye-that is, that they warrant and reward a second or tenth look.240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Photographic Memory Photographs have the ability to create a universal, shared memory. We all “remember” the moon landing and the Hindenburg disaster because of the photos we have seen of the events. This book presents photographs which have the potential to create “memories” because they are powerful and evoke strong emotions.240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Staking out the position that all photos are documents, this book casts a wide net in terms of subject matter, dates of creation, and genres.. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Empire Vernacular photos provide a glimpse into how 14 countries managed to colonize nearly the entire world.240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Decisive Moments
Henri Cartier-Bresson is credited with coining the phrase decisive moment, here vernacular images show that in their own unintentionally artistic way, they too can capture the perfect moment. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
If a photograph sits in a shoebox at the flea market is it still visible? Latent takes the idea of a photo in a darkroom before it is printed and applies it to vernacular images. What was latent in the flea market is now visible in this book. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
A further exploration of the history of photography in general and vernacular photography in particular. Wide ranging and eclectic. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Vintage vernacular photos spanning 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. An eclectic collection of images from around the world with a focus on portraits. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Vintage vernacular photos spanning 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. An eclectic collection of images from around the world with a focus on portraits. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Black and white as well as color photos spanning 150 years and many themes: war, colonialism, racism, love, and lust. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Photography is a sublime magic trick. In collecting images from around the world, Congeries reveals the trick while retaining some of the mystery. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
19th, 20th and 21st century vernacular photos from photobooth to press photos to snapshots. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
A further exploration of vernacular photography curated from a highly personal perspective. Images from around the world ove a 150 year span employing multiple photographic techniques. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Lost and Found: Portraits
An eclectic collection of vernacular photo portraits spanning the19th, 20th and 21st centuries. Images from around the world revealing how people see themselves and how they are are seen by others. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
A broad-ranging collection of vernacular images in black and white as well as color. Photographs from the second half of the 19 century through the 21st. Portraits, press photos, snapshots, etc. are used to depict humanity in its beauty and horror and a lot in between. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Diane A.
A gallery of black and white photographs made from negatives found at the flea market. A young girl comes vividly to life. 98 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Making Their Own Way
Further explorations of how vernacular photographs reveal the complexities of our world. A broad and eclectic collection of images. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
19th and 20th century vernacular images, covering a broad range of topics and aesthetic approaches. War, crime, portraits, nudes, etc. intersect in a curated, personal collection. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
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Naked Shoulders
Nudes from the Collection of Dan Lenchner. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
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Using other people’s pictures as self portraits may seem odd but in collecting vernacular images the collector is revealing him/herself. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
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An eclectic collection of vernacular images from the 19th, 20th and 21 centuries covering a wide range of topics; social, political, and aesthetic. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
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A collection of vintage press photographs, snapshots, and ephemera depicting wars in the 19th and 20 centuries. The material is from the author’s archive and covers 30 wars and conflicts. Most of this material has not been previously seen. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
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Vintage photographs and ephemera from the 19th Century through the 21st. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
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Selection of vintage photographs from the 19th through the 21 century. Black and white as well as color covering a broad range of mostly anonymous images. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
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Vernacular images from the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. Images cover a broad range of topics: war, portraits, race, erotic, landscapes, medical, history, crime, etc. Tintypes, cyanotypes, press photos, and snapshots. There is both horror and beauty in the images. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
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Living as we are in in a time when truth is under daily assault, it is important to reaffirm that images often provide hard proof that reality is not simply what we want to believe. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
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Who are these people? Who took their picture? Why was their picture taken? When the answers to these questions are not forthcoming, it’s probably because they are vernacular photographs. Only a very few of people in Inkblot are identifiable; vernacular photography is the antithesis of celebrity photography. With many of these images, the joy is simply allowing them to move you, without analysis. Others impel interpretation. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
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Black and Light
19th, 20th, and 21st century vernacular photographs, black and white as well as color. Covering a broad range of subjects, war, medical, portraits, crime, nudes, sports, landscapes, portraits. Tintypes, silver gelatin, cynotypes, CDVs, cabinet cards, and snapshots. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
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Truth and Beauty
Truth and Beauty is a collection of vernacular images meant to suggest an emotional and mental roller coaster; there is no overriding polemic though my predilections and prejudices of course are very evident. Because the images are collected at flea markets and on line in a way that engenders a certain randomness, in my editing I try to recreate that randomness. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
Artifacts is a selection of 19th and 20th century vernacular images collected over 20 years: war, crime, erotic, medical, press, history, sports, portrait, military, snaps, tintypes, cyanotypes, albumin, silver gelatin. 240 pages. Preview and purchase at: |
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How the nazis normalized the unspeakable 186 pages. Preview and purchase at: Normal: Radio interview with Dan Lenchner – The William King Museum of Art, March 24 and 31, 2016 Nazi Germany is revealed in a subtle, shocking show at ArtRage – Syracuse New Times, May 13, 2014 Nazi-Era Snapshots and the Banality of Evil – Vice, March 19th, 2014 |